WOW! A year ago today in China, we were handed our second daughter, and Katie became a big sister! Ning RongRong (aka Ellie) came to us in a big red and yellow snowsuit. She had a buzz cut, and very red cheeks! She cried and cried when she was handed to her new family.
We can't believe it's been a year already! So many changes! When Ellie came to us, she was 13 months old, and weighed only 16 lbs.! She could only sit up if we put her in that position, no crawling or even rolling. She couldn't hold her own bottle, but she could feed herself.
Now, she's your typical 2 year old! She's into everything, can speak in 3 word phrases, loves to color and play with play dough...
We feel so blessed to have these two wonderful daughters! Sometimes we just stare at them in amazement that they're ours!
Here are pictures of Ellie on Gotcha Day and today!