Thursday, January 3, 2008

Off to China! (well, soon anyway!)

We have our travel dates!!! We'll be leaving February 13th, arriving in Beijing on the 14th. We'll tour in Beijing for a couple of days, then we'll fly to Nanching. From what I read on the internet, Ellie will probably be brought to our hotel. We don't know the date for that yet.
We're sending over a box for Ellie with some disposable cameras, a blanket and a stuffed animal. I'm really looking forward to the pictures! More info as we get it!


Moosevine said...

I'm so excited for you! With the frustration of the small recent batch of referrals, it's nice to focus on the fun stuff. Can't wait to follow your trip!

Anonymous said...

Joan, Scott and Katie,

Counting down days now! We are all so very happy and excited for you. What a great way to begin the new year.

Much love,
Donna, David and Taylor

Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

COngrats! Can't wait to see the next GA girl come home! It will be "Sonic Season" soon!

Anonymous said...

The blog is a great idea - thanks for allowing us to enjoy everything right along with you guys.

Happy Birthday Ellie!

Rich & Mayra

Anonymous said...

She is cute! Must take after her know, the most adorable one. :) Hope you have a great trip. Good to see you'll be going to BeJing during the warm season....

Love to all,

J. R. (for all the Schoons)