Here we are at the Great Wall!
Well, backing up a bit, our flight was fine, and we're not quite on schedule yet. Katie was up at 3:00AM eating fruit loops!
Back to the Wall... we went up the chair lift, up and down many, many stairs, and back down the lift. We did stop at the Cloisine (sp?) factory on the way, and bought a few souviniers. Sorry about the spelling,... jet-lag you know!
We're with 13 families right now, and two more will join us in a couple of days. Very nice people, all very excited for Sunday (still Saturday for you westerners). We'll be getting Ellie on Sunday, around 4:30 pm. That will be 3:30 am for all of you. Tomorrow we do some more sightseeing, so we'll post more pictures. Hopefully the text will be a bit more exciting, too. Too tired today!
This is so great that we can follow you on your journey to Ellie! Can Katie bring the camel home? Looking forward to more stories and images.
Love, Donna
We are so happy for you all! Glad the flight went well. Isn't the Wall so amazing??? I am so happy Katie is getting to experience it! You all look great and can't wait to read each day what you are doing. We love you and are praying for you.
Love Shay and family
Thanks for the update! So glad to see you all there! Eager to hear how Katie is taking all of this in. Enjoy!
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