Monday, March 3, 2008

Home Sweet Home!

We arrived home on Thursday evening, and boy was it nice to come home! Our friends put balloons on the mailbox and a banner across the garage door. How sweet! The thought of sleeping in our own comfy bed was wonderful! The beds in China are extremely hard, and after a while it really got to us! Getting to sleep for any length of time, however, has not been easy! Ellie and Katie are still both adjusting to the time change. I think Scott and I could sleep all night if the girls would let us! Ellie still thinks she's taking a nap at night, so we've been up quite a bit. Katie was up at 3:00 this morning eating soup! I told her if she wanted to go to school today (which she did) that she had to go back to bed! We'll see how far into the day she makes it! Ellie was quite a hit at school today. I had to reenroll Katie, so we had to go in. She's adjusted very well to people oohing and aahing over her. She still won't let too many people hold her, but she likes the attention. No new pictures right now, but we'll put some more up soon!


Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

I'm glad to hear that you all are getting back to normal! Can't wait to meet Ellie and hear about Katie's trip at FF.

Anonymous said...

So glad you are home and settling in!!! I sure hope you all can get the days and nights figured out. How long are you staying home??? Rest of the year??? Will you be @ FF?
Love Shay

Truly Blessed said...

Welcome back home! Now to overcome the jet lag!

I'm a fellow Ningdu mom (still waiting) and have a couple pictures of your sweet Ellie enjoying some cake with my daughter and another little one. The pictures aren't great of any of them, but if you'd like them, I'm happy to send them along to you.

The pix were taken around 1/23/08.

Email me through my Blogger ID.

Kelly (aka "notallboysanymore" on the Ningdu Yahoo group)