Saturday, July 4, 2009

China Group Reunion in Philly!

We had our reunion with the families we traveled to China with when we adopted Katie. It's so great to see how well all of the girls (and one boy!) are doing! Even though they've all grown so much, you can still see the faces of those adorable babies we adopted 6 1/2 years ago! We did some sightseeing in Philadelphia for the weekend. We went to the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, and the "Rocky steps" at the museum, of course. There is a statue of Rocky there, and we saw two wedding parties taking pictures with Rocky. Quite interesting! We had lunch in Chinatown, too! Katie took a special liking to two of the older brothers in the group. Her feet didn't hit the ground too often!


Everything Beautiful Shay said...

How wonderful! I sure hope our group can get together in the future! I know it was so sweet to see them all together again. Hope you all are well and hope to get together soon.

Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

That is so nice you all were able to make it to Philly for the reunion! What a big group of kids!

che'lyssa said...

That's awesome! My dream is to one day adopt from China too, but of course I can't until I'm 30 and married, so until that day comes, I love reading stories and blogs about people who have opened their hearts to adoption! God bless you and your family!