Katie is so excited to be a big sister!!!
We flew in to Nanchang today around 3:00 pm. We were told the babies would be waiting for us at the hotel! Well, we all rushed to put our things in the room, and no babies! We had to wait what seemed like an eternity, but it was probably 20 minutes or so. Well, when they handed Ellie to us, she began to cry! She cried on and off for about 30 minutes, but when she got her first taste of Cheerios, all was well! She does have a terrible diaper rash, but we'll get that cleared up. She took to Katie right away. She follows her whenever she moves around the room. And if I do say so, she is already somewhat of a mama's girl! She cries when I walk away! What a sweet baby!! She is sleeping soundly now in her crib. Let's hope that goes on for at least another 8 hours! Tomorrow is paper work, and this doesn't seem like a very good part of town to just wander around ourselves! Guess we'll just have to amuse ourselves by staring at Ellie and Katie! More pictures to come!
YEAH for Katie! Do you think Ellie will be up for a Sonic ice cream once it warms up? So happy to see your dream FINALLY come true!
Can I just say how "Beautiful"!!! you look holding that baby- you are glowing! I am so happy for you all! Tell Katie the girls are so happy she has her little sister now- they know exactly how she feels! What a precious bond they will always have- sister love! I am glad you all had such a great day and can't wait to read more tomorrow. We pray the remainder of the trip will be wonderful!!!
Love Shay
You all look so happy! So excited for you all to finally be a family of 4!
We are so happy for you all. Ellie is beautiful!!! You all look so happy!
Enjoy the rest of your trip.
I can't believe it! There you guys are holding your beautiful new baby in China! Katie is sleeping now, but I can't wait to show her the pictures in the morning. I know she will want to write an e-mail to Katie. I want you all to come home now! We miss you! Kristen
i love you katie you are a great friend she is cute love katie
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