Today was a "free day", which means no appointments. So.... we went shopping! Today we took a trip to a pearl market. We got strands of pearls for Katie, Ellie and Mommy! Katie also got some fancy hot pink pearls! After that, Scott, Katie and Grandma took a walk with some of our group to an outdoor market. There were lots of interesting things to see! Scorpions, turtles, snakes, frogs, these cute puppies (pets, not dinner!) and some beautiful flowers. Katie put on a fashion show with her new Chinese dress. Ellie has one, too, but since she can't stand by herself yet, she couldn't join in! Tomorrow we do the red couch picture. This is a tradition for adoption groups. Ellie will show off her dress then! We shopped today at a store whose proceeds go to helping older children in oprhanages. I could have bought one of everything! Much nicer quality than the local stores, and just slightly more expensive. We got some wonderful souvenirs!
Tomorrow is our consolate appointment, and we have to pack to leave at 5:30 the next morning for Hong Kong, so this may be it until we get home on Thursday! We're going to Hong Kong Disney on Wedsnesday, so if the hotel has internet, I'll post again. If not, it will be a few days!
Thanks for checking in with us!
I like your blog! Have a nice day.
Do you like 80s music? come to my 80s music place
Now, as then!
That first picture of you two snuggling is gorgeous! Definitely a framer. We're still missing you, and we enjoy your blog updates a lot!
The pictures are wonderful. I love the one of you and Ellie "snuggling". Sarah, Trey and I have enjoyed reading about your trip. Tell Katie that Sarah says "hi". Enjoy the rest of your trip.
HK Disney? You are brilliant - wish we had thought of that!!!!!! Have a blast! Can't wait to see you all once you get home and "settled" in!
We have so enjoyed the photos Scott sends every day and the blog during your trip to Ellie! With Grandma Joan there, I had no doubt there would be shopping. Wondering if "Little Kramer" will be coming back with you also. Enjoy Disney!
Love, Donna, David and Taylor
I guess you all are on the way home! I pray it is great and you all get settled in smoothly. Can't wait to see you!!!
Love Shay
I'm looking at the clock and thinking about that delightfully L*O*N*G flight you are on right now! WOW - Lauren said "I'd go back to China any day if it wasn't for that long flight"! Hope you all get some rest and hope to see the 4 of you soon!
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